Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Bad Dream

You know those nightmares you have growing up where something awful happens to you and you wonder why on earth you put yourself in the position in the first place????? Well, Sunday I was supposed to speak in Sacrament Meeting. I was originally told to plan on 20-30 minutes, but the next instruction was 10-15. I thought about my topic all week then started to put the talk all together on Sunday morning. I spent about 3 hours typing, gathering, etc. At 11:50 I went upstairs to print off the final version. I was printing off a couple of things, so I must have got distracted, and promptly deleted instead of printed. YIKES!!!! I ended up with the opportunity to totally shoot from the hip. Amazingly enough, the new RM that was speaking with me was completely able to feed off of the stories that I told and tie them all up. What a great kid! I would have liked the opportunity to redo that whole morning.

1 comment:

Drew and Amber said...

no worries you did Great!!