Sunday, March 23, 2008

Happy Easter!

Happy Easter to all our friends and family! This morning we had breakfast for the kids because they were all going to be gone in the afternoon. Thank goodness for a new 1:00 church time. We had Mountain Man breakfast, sticky buns, fresh fruit and of course - the Campbell boys' favorite, BACON! I found a great toy to add to their baskets - these bunnies that you fill up with jelly beans, wind it up and send it on its way. It walks and poops jelly beans! We are nothing, if not easily entertained. Drew got a chicken that layed bubble gum, and in a tight race against the bunny.....the chicken won!

Our ward was realigned while we were in Bear Lake and today was the first Sunday we were back in our old building and at our new time. There's something comforting about going back to a building that has lots of meaning to you. Maybe it's the pipe/pump organ that I love to play there...I never could get used to the one in the building we moved to a couple of years ago.

We will miss those families that are not in our ward anymore, and wonder what changes are next and if they will affect us.

I'm not a huge fan of 1:00 church, but today it had it's advantages. It was so cool to see a whole row of Campbell's at church today. Everyone was there but Brynn, who was out of town.

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