Sunday, May 1, 2011

Gotta' Love Granddaughters!

Aftyn 2011 showing her silly face! (The hurry up and take my picture grandma face.)

Aftyn is trying so hard to try and sit up when you are changing her diaper or she is laying down. She has started to roll over but I think it still surprises her when it happens. She isn't so cuddly any more and likes to go to sleep with her Glow Worm. We love it when she sits in her little chair at the table and tells us all about her latest 'story'. It's so funny when babies realize just how noisy they can be in our family room since it kind of echos when they squeal.

Ella is almost as big as the nutcracker!

Baby Aftyn and Ella in February.

We have been lucky to have the girls here a few times for the day. Each time, Ella wants to head out to the barn to see Rusty - and each time the weather has been miserable. We are so glad spring is here so that she can get some rides in on her horse.

The last time she was here for the day, we kept waiting and waiting for the storm to pass. Finally after several hours, we went outside in 'tornado gale' winds, but she insisted on making sure to say good night to everyone, not once, but twice. Out to the barn, out to the pasture, back to the barn, back to the pasture, then a final trip through the barn to see Rusty one last time. Ella likes to stand in the back of the Ranger and supervise the nightly routine of feeding and 'scooping poop'. She measures out the medicine (whoa, whoa at two scoops, take some back out) too. The last time she was taking care of the medicine, we were standing at the water hydrant adding water to his medicine when Rusty decided to escape his stall (the door wasn't quite shut all the way) and he came and joined us at the hydrant. I guess he just wanted to make sure we were mixing his meds correctly! We sure moved in a hurry to get her off the ground and him back into his stall.

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