I get to play at grandpa's house one Saturday a month. Needless to say, grandpa doesn't get much done but play with me. We have this great game where we crawl around together. Too bad I move so fast that grandma can't get any pictures of us that aren't fuzzy. This one's not bad though :o)
I love to be outside and look for the horses as soon as I get by the big windows. Someone takes me out every time I come so I can get used to them. Grandma can't wait for me to be a big girl and ride Izzy. The other thing I get to do is ride with grandpa on the tractor - if you look at my mom's blog, you'll see I've already tried out grandpa's little tractor that my dad used to put in the lawn. I try to laugh louder than the tractor, and sometimes it really echo's where we are. That makes me laugh more!