Sunday, May 25, 2008

Happy Memorial Day

You know those lists that never seem to end? Well, yesterday we made a nice dent in the latest one. Ken hauled road base for the barn and Doug came over and leveled it out/packed it down. They should be able to finish tomorrow - cement will be next. Then he went down Ed's to work on his tractor for a bit. Drew helped move the pole barn rafters and then took the riding lawn mower home - since it couldn't go up the ramps into a trailer, he got to drive it down his house. Probably the slowest he's gone on a motorized vehicle in 10 years!

I weeded the front flower beds and fertilized all the plants and trees, cleaned Izzy's stall and drove Fred around in the 4 wheeler trailer. He loves to do that and the trailer has had a flat tire since last fall. Ken hooked up the big mower and worked on cutting the weeds in the back and then along the fence line between us and the Arrant's. He took Aaron (Mary Jane's grandson who loves to ride on our big equipment) with him to mow and even let him drive ole John Deere.

Today Ken took Nemo for his walk, Fred and I met them at the end. It takes Fred a little longer each time, but he still tries. Chase had been camping but was home when we got home from church. Drew and Amber came over for dinner, and Heather and Ellie joined us too. Ellie wanted to see Bandit and the other horses, so it was a great excuse to have them up at dinner time. I have just taken the time to get caught up a bit on the blog. Tomorrow is another work day, hoping we can get a few more projects checked off the list. Brynn will be down and we will go see the new Indiana Jones movie. Drew, Chase, Seth Anderson and Casey Higley are going golfing in the morning. I'd love to go just for the comedy!

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