Saturday, May 16, 2009

Now You See It

I've been waiting for about 3 years to cut my hair. The last real haircut was in August 2006 when we were leaving to go on Pioneer Trek and I didn't want to mess with long hair during the trip. My goal was for it to be long enough to donate to Locks of Love. The girl who cuts my hair predictd the first part of May, and on May 6, off it came!

These are from the day I got it all cut off. I begged my friend to make sure there was at least 10" there, it's pretty hard to glue another inch or two on once you cut the pony tail off. Off it went and into the baggie. It took almost a week for the pony tail to try on my counter, but it's in the mail and on its way to Florida with a big happy face. Hopefully there is someone who needs it more than I do.

1 comment:

Drew and Amber said...

Well lets see the after photos....